was installed as the legal authority of France. Charged with undermining the First French Republic, Louis was separated from his family, tried, found guilty by the Convention and was executed on 21 January, 1793, at the age of thirty-eight by guillotine. The "Widow Capet", as the former queen was called after the death of her husband, plunged into deep mourning. She was finally tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal on October 14, but unlike the king who had been given time to prepare a defense, the queen's trial was far more of a sham (she was given less than one day). Declared guilty of treason on October 16, Marie Antoinette was executed later that day at 12:15 pm – dressed in white – two and a half weeks before her thirty-eighth birthday. Her body was thrown in an unmarked grave in the former La Madeleine cemetery. Both her body and that of Louis XVI were exhumed on 18 January, 1815 and proper Christian burial of the royal remains took place in the necropolis of French Kings.